How To Turn On Profile Picture Guard Facebook 100% Work With Get Token
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Title: Free Tutorial: How to Get and Activate Profile Picture Guard on Facebook
What are the Benefits of Activating the Facebook Picture Guard Feature?
The number of profile theft cases on facebook turned out to be one complaint for Facebook users. This is because many parties misuse profile photos they steal to mask crimes such as fraud, extortion, bullying, sara, and other crimes.
With this case, Facebook launched the profile picture guard feature, even though it was still in trial (beta). If you discuss the question of benefits, of course there are many benefits of this new feature. The benefits of this picture guard profile feature include:
Profile Photos Cannot be in Save
This is a prominent benefit from the launch of this photo guard feature. If an account owner activates this feature, then their photos cannot be saved even some say it can't be screenshooted by someone else.
Reducing Photo Theft
If the profile photo cannot be saved, it is certain that other people cannot steal it. This can reduce the case of an unsettling profile photo theft.
Reduce profile of clone account
Already know what is a clone account? Cloning accounts are fake accounts that resemble someone's original account. In addition to names and identities, cloning accounts also require a profile photo to complement and complete the hode account. If our profile photo can't be saved, then this will make it difficult for bad people who want to duplicate our account.
Maintain reputation / good name
Why do I say the benefits of this guard profile feature are to maintain reputation? isn't this just for maintaining profile photos? This is because many hatters and haters are eyeing profile photos to drop our pride. There are many ways to bring down a person's self-esteem by just wearing a face portrait, including:
- Defame by posting someone's photo.
- Make it easier for the hatters to spread someone's disgrace
- Make the photo as a joke or MEME picture.
- And the worst thing is editing the photo into a photo like someone's face but his body is a person who is still too late.
How To Turn On Profile Picture Guard Facebook 100% Work With Get Token
The way to get and immediately activate the picture guard profile when done via cellphone / Android is very difficult, unlike when you access it through a computer and laptop.
How to activate Facebook profile picture guard via Laptop / Computer:
- Open a Facebook account >> Profile
- Right-click on the mouse in the >> Page Source view (or directly by pressing Ctrl + U)
- Search Token Facebook Profile (or directly by pressing Ctrl + F then write "EAAA" without quotes) as shown below
- Copy the Token
- Open the Profile Picture Guard in here website
- Enter Facebook tokens >> Submit
- Done, just check the Facebook profile photo
How to activate Facebook picture guard profile via HP / Android:
- Open Google Chrome >> Facebook >> Profile
- Copy the Url Link Facebook Profile ( << example)
- Open New Tab >> Paste the Facebook link that has been copied by adding the view-source prefix: (view-source: https: // << example)
- Search Token Facebook Profile (or directly by pressing Ctrl + F then write "EAAA" without quotes) as shown below
- Copy the Token
- Open the Profile Picture Guard in here website
- Enter Facebook tokens >> Submit
- Done, just check the Facebook profile photo
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